ADHD and Learning Disability Evaluations
What is an ADHD evaluation?
This type of evaluation is used to establish whether or not someone has a diagnosis of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and to inform recommendations in terms of their cognitive strengths and weaknesses. This evaluation includes an intake interview, approximately 3 hours of testing including attention and information processing measures as well as questionnaires, record review, and a feedback session to review the results and recommendations. For individuals hoping to get accommodations in an academic setting, slightly longer evaluations that also include gathering historical information from individuals in your life about attention symptoms are available.
What is a learning disability evaluation?
This type of evaluation is used to establish whether or not someone has a learning disability, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia. This evaluation included an intake interview, 3-6 hours of testing including academic and intellectual ability measures, record review, gathering information from other people in your life, and a feedback session to review the results and recommendations. We also often provide re-evaluations for individuals who were diagnosed with a learning disability in childhood and are looking for updated testing.
Can my evaluation be used to request accommodations at school or on standardized tests?
Yes! If the results of your testing support the need for academic accommodations, we are happy to provide documentation to help request formal accommodations for both school and standardized testing, including the SAT, ACT, and professional exams.
Who do you evaluate?
We work with anyone ages 12 and older for these evaluations.
How do I schedule an ADHD or learning disability evaluation?
Call our clinic at (206) 880-1851 or click the button below to schedule directly. We will then complete a free 15-minute consultation call to ensure this service is a good fit for your needs. Consultation calls are often available within 1 business day and are always returned by one of our doctors.