Health-Focused Individual Therapy
What type of therapy to do you offer?
We specialize in mental health services for people coping with various medical illnesses and injuries, also known as Rehabilitation Psychology. We know that coping with changes in physical health can have a strong impact on your emotional well-being and we use evidence-based treatments including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Activation, and Mindfulness-based treatments to help you identify and pursue the goals that are most important to you.
Common targets of therapy include:
Coping with changes in physical functioning
Re-engaging in valued activities
Improving emotion regulation skills
Behavioral (non-medication) pain management skills
Improving sleep
Increasing daily activities or health behaviors (physical activity, diet)
Improving communication and relationship skills
Who is this type of therapy helpful for?
Individuals who often benefit from Rehabilitation Psychology treatment include people with:
Concussion/Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussive Syndrome
Chronic pain
Parkinson’s disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Chronic illness
Spinal Cord Injury
Other medical illnesses that are impacting emotional well-being and/or causing cognitive difficulties
What can I expect from therapy?
Therapy begins with a 90-minute intake appointment that allows us to get to know you and the challenges you are experiencing. During this process, we also work to figure out if you feel that we are a good fit for your needs. We then collaboratively set goals for treatment that are important and meaningful for you. Subsequent treatment sessions are approximately 55 minutes and include exploring different strategies to meet your personal mental health goals. Homework to work on strategies between appointments is also common. Addressing many mental health concerns often takes 10-12 weekly appointments, but the length of treatment may vary significantly based on your individual concerns. Throughout treatment, we will check in to make sure that you are still happy with your treatment plan and feel that you are making progress.
This service is offered via telehealth and is available for people living in Washington state and California. Limited options for hybrid (partial in-person) care are available to people who would like to come in-person to our office in West Seattle.